Monday, July 30, 2007

Sehari Bersama Santi...di Istanbul tentunya

Santi Nuri Darmawan (dong-dong) dan arif aziz sedang berkelana ke Istanbul. Ikutan UN Model Conference gitu deh...nah setelah semingguan mereka ada disini, akhirnya g bs ketemuan sama mereka hari minggu kemarin.
Well, g akhirnya menghabiskan lbh banyak waktu sama Santi karena si arif lebih memilih pergi ke Grand Bazaar (Capalı Çarşı)...haha sayangnya arif tdk tau kalo Grand Bazaar hari minggu tutup hoho...

pagi2 Santi dah ke Hagia Sophia sama Yerebatan Sarayı (Underground Palace), RAJIN ABIS... sedangkan g mah masi sibuk beresin rumah alias membabu. Jam 1 siang g akhirnya ketemuan sama Santi di pintu keluar Hagia Sophia. Trus makan sianglah kita di suatu tempat deket2 situ, sembari makan dong-dong cerita pengalaman dia seminggu di Istanbul. Inti cerita Santi adalah:
  1. Turki Keren dan asik. Cowonya ganteng2 (cewe2nya juga kece2 kata g! haha!) n kotanya indah!
  2. Santi kepanasan (secara summer yak);
  3. Santi Tidur di dalem Blue Mosque...lebih lanjut santi mengaku "enak juga yah wan tidur di mesjid...adem hehe"..hayah...oya,
  4. Trus santi belum pernah cobain Baklava (kue khas turki, kata santi bentuknya kaya molen haha)
  5. N Santi kangen Bgt Starbuck (Liat aja potonya tu anak).

Jadi abis makan siang g ajaklah santi ngupi2...g ajak Santi k Kanyon (semacam Citos tapi lebih keren dalam segala hal) design tempatnya emang keren abis n Santi mengamini...ngupi2 lah kita di Starbuck (nda di jakarta nda di istanbul teuteup Starbuck yg dicari hehe)...G bs melihat Santi sumringah n berbinar2 ketika minum kupinya...kayak dah nda minum kopi 3 tahun (haha hiperbola). Terus kita ngobrol2, poto2 and jalan2 di Kanyon nan keren...n setelah membeli beberapa CD ttg tari perut n bokep berbahasa Turki buat oleh2 Santi hewhew...

Selanjutnya kita ke Taksim Meydanı (Taksim Square kalo g nyebutnya)..disana sembari nunggu arif n teman2 yg lain g ma santi minum teh sembari makan Baklava Nyam2...kita juga mendapat tontonan gratis dr suporter Irak yg merayakan kemenangan timnya di piala Asia di daerah taksim Square situ. menyenangkan berada di Taksim sore2..g sarankan kalo ke Istanbul n terus ke Taksim coba deh makan di Simit Sarayı (Istana Roti Simit) n duduk di lantai 2 atau 3 restauran tersebut...pemandangannya lumayan menyenangkan karena bs langsung liat orang2 hilir mudik keluar masuk Taksim. Alternatif lain adalah Rooftop Burger King, viewnya juga mayan.

Pokoke minggu kemarin lumayan menyenangkan karena bs ketemu sama familiar faces and menikmati hari minggu secara normal hehe. Maksudnya normal adalah g bs jalan2 wisata kuliner sama si Santi hoho...

Oya makasi juga buat mba wence yg nyuruh aku nulis di blog lagi...iya mba nanti lbh rajin lagi deh nulisnya segitu dulu yah..saya mau makan siang ni...nyamnyam..

From my desk at D-8 Secretariat
Istanbul, Turkey


1. Hostelnya Santi mayan oke loh, bersih, nyaman, mayan murah (standard istanbul yah) n viewnya okeh bgt (bosporus view)..hanya US $ 14/malam.

visit: or tel: +90 212 517 79 31/32

2. Jangan coba nyabut taneman yang ada di dalam kompleks Kanyon..susah bouw...ini buktinya...

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

笑傲江湖 (xiào ào jiāng hú)

The term "笑傲江湖" means to live a carefree life in a mundane world of strife. it is taken from a novel with a title The Smiling, Proud Wanderer written by Jin yong. You can find the complete translation of the novel at:
well the novel itself roughly is a story about friendship and love, deception and betrayal, ambition and lust for power. In the middle of it all is , Linghu Chong(令狐沖), an orphan who is the senior student of Yue Buqun(岳不羣), leader of Huashan Sect, and the protagonist of the story. The story deals with his journey and development as a swordsman and his witness to the various intrigues which take place in the martial world of the story. You can find somewhat detail info about it at:,_Proud_Wanderer.
Enough 'bout the novel...well to make it simple..I AM NOT Linghu Chong, that's for sure. but i surely support the idea of becoming a smilling proud wanderer as you go through your life.
You may not be a multi talented person that always feel discontent and pursue perfection in life and trying satisfied your ego and ambitions...You may only be a simple and sincere fat person who likes to do things in his own way, affectionate yet silly, caring yet sometimes a little bit obnoxious, daredevil for hire yet reckless..
You also probably enjoy life by having cigar or kretek (Indonesian authentic cigarette), coffe and a little taste of wine every now and then, always in a excellent mood for spending times with your friends just to laugh and enjoy the moments...or maybe you were there for some caring and affecionate warm hug whenever your friend need one, you never takes life seriously and always in passion of travelling for culineary journey and taste every single dish that comes from various me...wink wink...
So all and all this is a blog that pretty much tells the carefree, reckless and silly life of me, myself and might not be great...but for long as i can smile while enjoying my life to the utmost and and at the same time laugh at the world for its silliness...who cares about others opinion about me!!! hehehe!!! and ahoooooy we go CAPTAIN!!!
From my desk at:
the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation Office
Istanbul, 4 April 2006, 08.12 p.m.

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